Mantle-Derived Peridotite Xenoliths from the Western Intermontane Belt, Whitesail Lake map area (NTS 093E), Western British Columbia


  • J. B. Mahoney

Re cently the Whitesail Lake map area (NTS 093E), im me di ately north and east of Bella Coola, BC has been the fo cus of re gional map ping pro grams, in clud ing the cur rent Geoscience BC funded map ping pro gram of Mahoney et al. (2006) and the map ping con ducted in 2004 un der the Rocks to Riches pro gram (Mahoney et al., 2005). The re gional map ping ex er cise dis cov ered a new oc cur rence of man tlede rived peridotitic xe no liths in the BC Cor dil lera (Fig. 1). Spe cif i cally, they lo cated a mafic dike near Mt. Pres ton that in trudes Hazelton Group rocks. The dike ap pears to post date the re gional meta mor phism and de for ma tion re corded by Hazelton rocks, and is there fore in ferred to be Ter tiary to Neo gene in age. The dike con tains abun dant crustal and man tle-de rived peridotite xe no liths, which are very fresh and unaltered in appearance.

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تاریخ انتشار 2006